• The GCC International Volunteer Chapter (IVC) programme has a rich and inspiring history that began during a time of global uncertainty. In 2020, as the world grappled with the COVID-19 pandemic, a group of dedicated arts professionals in Berlin came together to pioneer GCC’s volunteer initiative. This collective brought their time, energy, and expertise to create something positive in difficult circumstances. They set the tone for the many groups that followed, demonstrating the incredible power of community-driven action. From those early days, the IVC programme grew into something truly special, with volunteers around the world contributing to our shared mission.


    The programme was made up of 7 International Volunteer Chapters, advocating for an environmentally responsible arts sector on a local level, either nationally or focused on specific cities. These teams were self-organised and self-motivated whilst remaining closely aligned with GCC’s core targets and commitments. Arts sector professionals volunteering their time worked collectively to develop localised content and resources in line with GCC’s guidelines, hosted events, and engaged with their immediate networks on environmental issues within the sector.


    International Volunteer Chapters included:

    GCC Berlin

    GCC Italia

    GCC London

    GCC Los Angeles

    GCC New York

    GCC Spain

    GCC Taiwan


    You can learn more about each group and their work via their individual pages.


    In three years, the IVCs achieved a tremendous amount. We have seen tangible progress, from local climate initiatives to global advocacy efforts. 


    Despite the incredible work carried out by the IVCs, the increasing funding needs of this widening network and the challenging funding landscape facing GCC and arts / non-profit organisations more generally brought the programme to a conclusion in September 2024.


    Whilst the formal structure of the IVC programme has come to an end, the spirit of volunteerism and grassroots action that it embodied lives on. The organisations and individuals who gave their time, expertise, advice and support as part of the IVC programme remain an integral part of our international community. Nothing changes in this regard, and we continue to work with them as valued members of our coalition and active advocates for climate action. 


    The GCC team would like to express our thanks to every volunteer that participated in the International Volunteer Chapter programme:


    ‘I want to extend my deepest gratitude to everyone who has been involved in the IVC programme. The individuals and their contributions are too numerous to mention individually, but each one has made a lasting impact on the GCC team and the coalition as a whole. The connections we’ve made and the friendships we’ve built along the way are a testament to the strength of our community. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity, hard work, and unwavering commitment to the cause and for being an essential part of this journey.’

    Heath Lowndes, GCC Managing Director


    You can read a statement about the closure of the IVC programme from GCC Managing Director Heath Lowndes here.


    GCC is developing a new engagement initiative for advocates that we believe is both realistic and sustainable for the GCC team and any individuals who wish to participate in climate action, and we are eager to announce more details about this new initiative soon.


    At present the challenges we face can seem insurmountable. But by working together - simultaneously on local and global scales - necessary changes become possible, and the transition to a sustainable future becomes smoother and faster.