Exciting Changes Coming!

18 Juni 2024

Exciting Changes Coming!

18 Juni 2024

Over the past year GCC has been working to redesign our Carbon Calculator, which will launch on September 19th.  

Since the launch of the Carbon Calculator in 2020 we have been blown away by the depth and breadth of ways in which users interact with the calculator. Recognising a demand for a calculator that functions to serve an ever responding art world to the climate crisis, we are proud to announce the creation of a calculator that will transform the process of carbon reporting. 


New Calculator Features

GCC has been working with design and development studio Good Praxis, and our environmental advisor Danny Chivers, to create a calculator that meets the varying needs of GCC members. 

We’re thrilled to share some of the dynamic new features you’ll find within the new tool:

  • A New User Interface: The user experience of the calculator has been transformed by Good Praxis in collaboration with Gemma Copeland at Common Knowledge. The new format creates a seamless experience that allows users to utilise all the new features to their full potential and makes reporting on carbon emissions more intuitive. 
  • Multiple User Collaboration: Sometimes completing a carbon report can be easier to divide between a few people. The new calculator will allow multiple users to contribute to a report under one organisation, making carbon reporting a more collaborative and approachable process. 
  • Annual Report and Project Report Modes: We recognise that other ways of tracking carbon emissions might be useful to organisations beyond annual reports. The Calculator will now have a new option  for reporting - Project mode. This will allow members to track emissions for different projects, exhibitions, departments, or events. While members can only achieve active membership status by submitting an annual report, project mode will allow for flexibility in tracking and understanding their emissions.
  • Quick Calculator: The new calculator will have a function that allows both members and non-members to be able to generate quick comparative estimates for freight, travel, and flights. This will enable users to make informed decisions in their choices when planning travel or transportation.

Transition Period

If you are currently creating a report on the old calculator then don’t worry! The old calculator will remain active until December 19th 2024, giving you time to complete any reports you’ve started. 

From now until the new tool is launched on September 19th, we recommend that users hold off on creating any reports if they’re able to. This way you’ll be able to utilise all the features of the new tool once it is live.

Support with the transition

If you have any questions about the transition to the new calculator you can contact calculator@galleryclimatecoalition.org 

If you want to begin reporting between now and the launch of the new calculator, but don’t want to make a start on the old calculator, we have a template for you to start collecting data in to then upload once the new calculator is launched. Contact calculator@galleryclimatecoalition.org if you would like a template.