In order to finance your Strategic Climate Fund we recommend finding a figure between 0.1 and 1% of annual revenue for your SCF contributions, but this may vary depending on the type and size of the organisation and what is realistic for you.
However ‘revenue’ might not be an appropriate metric for everyone. You may also find a percentage of ‘Net Income’, ‘Sales’, ‘Unrestricted Funds’, ‘Turnover’ etc. - whatever works for you, as long as your total contributes to meaningful change at a level proportionate to your organisation, while also being achievable and financially sustainable. See more information on this our ‘Economics of SCFs’ page.
In short, we trust you to find an appropriate way of calculating your own SCF allocation.
This means the process may be different for everyone but whatever you choose, please be honest and transparent about your methods, and make sure it generates enough money for meaningful climate action. Be bold, be ambitious, and be generous!
Working out how much money to allocate into your fund is easy with GCC’s simple tool:
1. First, enter the total figure of your chosen ‘Fund Metric’ (revenue / gross profit / sales etc.) from the last financial year and then select the percentage of this that will finance your SCF. This figure is your ‘Fund Total’.
For example: If your revenue was £600,000 and you allocated 1% of that, your Fund Total is £6,000. Or If your revenue was £6,000,000 and you allocated 0.4% of that, your Fund Total is £24,000.
2. Next, choose the percentage of your Fund Total that you would like to allocate to
a. External Donations and
b. Internal Investments.
For example: 60% External and 40% Internal. This gives Sub-Totals of:
£3,600 for A. External Donations and £2,400 for B. Internal Investments.
GCC has chosen to allocate 1% of the charity’s unrestricted funds for its own SCF. This might not be appropriate for everyone so we suggest you find a percentage that works for you but still generates enough funds to support meaningful climate action.
If your budget does not immediately allow you to set aside money into a fund, consider using this method to set a target and fundraise specifically for an SCF.