GCC Berlin: Climate Action in the Art World

6 Mai 2022

A full recording of the GCC Berlin: Climate Action in the Art World event, that took place at Callie's Berlin. Due to technical issues during the event, some of the video footage was damaged and has been removed.

The event featured two panel discussions and a series of practical breakout sessions, bringing together an array of voices from across the sector to address the climate crisis, share solutions, and set actions for the art world going forward. The interactive breakout sessions were hosted by the GCC Berlin team, with hosts available to share best practices, answer questions, and identify areas for further action on topics such as Shipping, Carbon Reporting, Energy and Packaging.

The first panel featured: Kate Brown (moderator), Andreas Greiner, Kathrin Grotz, Luiza Prado De O. Martins and Tino Sehgal. The second panel featured: Hannah Beck-Mannagetta, Lena Fließbach, Kim Kraczon, Adriana Tranca and Caitlin Southwick (moderator).