Explainer: I’m an ACE NPO - can I qualify as a GCC Active Member?

12 Dec 2023

Explainer: I’m an ACE NPO - can I qualify as a GCC Active Member?

12 Dec 2023

If you are an arts organisation based in the UK, and receive Arts Council England funding, then chances are you already do annual carbon reporting using the Julie’s Bicycle tool.


The good news is that GCC accepts Julie’s Bicycle reports as part of your Active Membership application - so you probably already qualify!


What is Active Membership?

Active Membership is awarded to GCC members who can demonstrate that their organisation has implemented environmental sustainability best practice in line with GCC guidance, via three simple criteria:

  • Completed a CO2e report or audit for a 12 month period.

  • Established and maintained a Green Team.

  • Published an environmental responsibility statement.

Qualifying members receive a badge for use across their platforms and are celebrated on the GCC members list. These members qualify for additional benefits and discounts from carefully selected partner organisations.


If you’re interested receiving this badge, reach out to the GCC member liaison, Poppy.